TwtrSymphony's Debut track The Hawk Goes Hunting Due Out Friday July 6th

TwtrSymphony will release their debut track The Hawk Goes Hunting Friday July 6th, 2012.

Hawk is the 1st movement of Chip Michael's Symphony No. 2 -Birds of a Feather, a new composition created specifically for a Social Media Symphony. TwtrSymphony, a new concept in the symphony orchestra, would only be possible in our modern era of global communications. A collection of musicians from around the world met over Twitter and conspired to form an orchestra participating in the TwtrSymphony project. This newly formed organization works to create new music in keeping with the character limit of a tweet - 140 seconds at a time.

For each symphonic movement and each chamber piece, the composer must create the score, the individual parts and click tracks which provide the necessary framework for playing together without a conductor. The musicians must then record their part in remote sessions and upload them to the web. Finally, the various tracks are put together and engineered by Garry Boyle of Civilian Project Productions in the UK to create the final product. This week, TwtrSymphony moves from concept to reality by releasing their first track.

The Hawk Goes Hunting is the first movement of a symphony and at 2'10" keeps within the 140 second time limit. The other three movements will be released over the next few weeks and the audience will be able to listen to the symphony as a whole by midsummer. All four tracks played together will come in under 9 minutes making this one of the shortest symphonies on record. Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 2 is in 3 movements with no repeats, also lasts about 9 minutes. Aaron Copland's Symphony No. 2 "Short Symphony" is approximately 16 minutes. Dr Michael Wolters of the Birmingham Conservatoire holds the record for the shortest symphony, Spring Symphony: The Joy of Life --utilizing full orchestra forces in 4 movements lasting approximately 17 seconds.

Musicians communicate with each other over Twitter, email, Skype and Google Hangouts. In addition to the Symphony, there are two chamber pieces in the works. One by Chip Michael and another by composer Alison Wrenn.

A link to listen and download a copy of The Hawk Goes Hunting will be available Friday on


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