Dear Mr Graham,

You say, “Our prayers are with the families of the victims and the people of Charleston. We are all heartbroken by this tragedy,” but I don’t believe you.

You made a joke about shooting Bernie Saunders with an interview on MSNBC. You thought imagining the skeet was Bernie Saunders was a good idea, a funny joke - but in truth your joke just allows people like Dylann Storm Roof to justify their actions.

You say the Confederate Flag is part of who we are - and it is part of what made Dylann feel his actions were acceptable.

YOU need to start forcing a change in South Carolina--and yourself. You need to ask yourself just how much your own actions contributed. You're a public figure and so people like Dylann listen to you, respect you and take what you say to heart. YOU may have been joking about shooting Bernie, but what if one (just ONE) of your listeners felt you meant it? YOU feel proud to wave the Confederate Flag, but what if just ONE of those sensing your pride feels that is justification to hate blacks?


You have the power to change people's attitudes, but you must change your own first.


Chip M Clark


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