Science, History and Adventure: What More Do You Want in a Podcast?

In the latest episode, EP 10: The Accidental Tourist, Dr Sage, played by Eddie Louise, travels back in time to Pompeii on the day Vesuvius decides to explode. Knowing her history, the doctor is faced with her impending doom and the knowledge that the people she meets will inevitably die. There is nothing she can do to save them, which provides her assistant, Abigale Entwhistle played by Emily Riley Piatt, no end of consternation. Dr Sage includes an interesting tidbit of science as she explains to Abigale why they cannot use their future knowledge to save anyone in Pompeii. Rather than death by suffocation under the mountain of volcanic ash that would bury the town for hundreds of years, we now know most died instantly of extreme heat, with many casualties shocked into a sort of instant rigor mortis. Even if they could provide someway to prevent against the extreme heat, anyone who survives would suffocate under the ash. It is this inclusion of contemporary scientific thought that makes the episodes so fascinating.

The way Sage and Savant travel through time is a method they call transmigration&mdashtheir conscious minds are pulled from their own bodies and shifted into the bodies of dead people. This reanimates the dead until such time as that body dies, which forces the conscious mind to revert back to its original host. The website has references supporting these concepts. Current theories of quantum physics suggest quantum objects can travel back in time. There are even theories that our thoughts are not physical, but quantum objects. Our brains are simply the environment that allows those quantum objects to function. Put these theories together and our thoughts, or the quantum objects containing our thoughts, can travel through time.
Although we cannot yet travel through time in this manner, science fiction speculates about what ifs, and this podcast does just that. The Adventures of Sage and Savant pose a variety interesting concepts intermingled with facts. By including a solid background of science and historical fact in their episodes, the places we need to suspend our disbelief are much easier to accept.
The cast and crew for Sage and Savant have produced ten episodes this first season (although episode 7 is a special double episode for Christmas) and hope to have 2 more, with their final episode a double episode as well&mdashfor a total of 14 podcasts. Their fan base is rapidly growing, and I suspect it has a lot to do with the intricate way fact and fiction play so well together.