Episode 208: A Most Shocking and Unnatural Event

Abigail has been hesitant to travel with Sage and Savant because of the dangers involved, but the Doctor and Professor have worn down her resolve. The three of them venture back to Seneca Falls, 1848, just in time to witness the first Women’s Rights Convention. As exciting as this historical event is for the trio, it also ends up reaffirming the long, dangerous road ahead for women.


Eddie Louise as Dr Sage
Chip Michael as Professor Savant
Justin Bremer as the Narrator
Emily Riley Piatt as Abigail Entwhistle
Special Guests:Richard Norton (from At the End of the Line podcast) as Herbert Baker
Della Rose as Elizabeth Cady Stanton
King Jaquell Martin as Frederick Douglas
Written by Eddie Louise
Theme music by Unwoman
Sound Design by Chip Michael


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