Things to do this week

It's the last few days before the concert and the list of things to do is getting shorter and shorter (although I have started adding on things that affect events post-concert).
Pre-Concert Day- Pick up Programmes
- Rehearse chorus (Tuesday)
- Finalize lighting design
- Arrange for instruments (percussion) to be delivered and removed from hall
this one is just to re-confirm the arrangements made are still in effect - Meeting with Kate about One Mile film project
- Get final 6 mins of music to director for Quiet Heart
- Meet with quartet to hear the piece prior to concert
- Open the hall
- Run through Opera with full cast
- Go through the check list with the stage manager (one more time)
- relax!!!!
Play tour guide with the parents, take jogs with my brother, meet best friend from high school when he arrives from California, meet boss for drinks, arrange for a boat trip to Staffa, hire a car for next week.... relax (yes, that needs to be on the list twice!) If you can't tell by the post, I'm not necessarily doing real well with the last item on each list, but I am trying. It's not that I'm worried about how things will go. I'm am certain it will all go well come concert time. It is, however, a big event and a big daunting. So, fingers are crossed and lots of deeps breathing.
I saw you on the Employee feature from our Intranet homepage for a certain media company! and felt compelled to leave you a message.
I hope the opera goes well for you! I hope your maiden voyage goes as planned!
I am in the process of writing a musical myself, based on a book. something that has received a lot of negativaty from my friends, but thoroughly supported by my fiance. I just wanted to pass on my support for this amazing venture and wish you all the very best.
I'm going to save your blog page if thats ok and check in from time to time!
p.s - your blog photo is ace!
from a fellow musician, writer and co-worker :)
John Hayes
Life's a bit hectic right now as we're less than 4 hours from opening...
In terms of your own project, there are lots of people who will say you can't - but only a few who say you can. At some point you have to find the will to continue inside yourself. Anything is possible - but the difference between those who succeed and those who don't often comes down to those who kept going when everyone else gave up.