New York Philharmonic in Vail, July 23 - 30, 2010

Beginning on July 23rd, the marvelous New York Philharmonic will be back in Vail for what promises to be six unforgettable evenings of music. With works by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Schoenfield and more being performed, the Philharmonic will entrance you with their magnificent sound.

JULY 23RD, 2010
New York Philharmonic's opening night with Jonathan Biss
An opening night with the New York Philharmonic never disappoints, and this evening will carry on that tradition. Jonathan Biss has appeared with every major U.S. orchestra as well as numerous European ensembles. "He is impetuous but aware. No gesture is out of control, no matter how deeply felt. No sound color is harsh, regardless of the technical difficulty." - New York Times.

JULY 28TH, 2010
An evening of Festive Classics - Elixir of Love, featuring Soprano Nicole Cabell
"Its a voice that wraps itself around you... long, sinuous phrasing, warm tone and a sophistication that touches everything she sings", says The Times of Nicole Cabell. Cabell will be singing with the New York Philharmonic and programming includes Bizet, Rossini, Mozart, and more.

JULY 30TH, 2010
Internationally renowned pianist Alexander Gavrylyuk joins the New York Philharmonic
"The technical difficulties that Brahms put into his Paganini variations seemed mere child's play to Gavrylyuk. I have rarely heard them played so pure, light and colorful, with a warm expression in the slower variations." - Christo Lelie. Bramwell Tovey conducts closing night of the New York Philharmonic. Works by Reznicek, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, and Enesco will be performed.


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