Metropolitan Opera Guild Receives $1 Million Grant from US Department of Education’s Arts-in-Education Model Development and Dissemination Program

This Is Largest Education Grant Ever Awarded to Guild

The Metropolitan Opera Guild has received a $1 million grant, which will be awarded over the next four years, from the United States Department of Education (DOE) for the Guild’s Comprehensive Opera-Based Arts Learning and Teaching (COBALT) project. Of 200 applications reviewed by the Department of Education, the Guild’s ranked ninth among the 33 projects that received funding.

“This award is a sign of recognition of the high quality, depth, and rigor of the Guild’s innovative arts-education programs. Thanks to the Department of Education, we will be able to bring the Guild’s partnership model of opera-based arts learning to under-resourced public schools that will really benefit from it.” - Richard J. Miller, Jr., President of the Metropolitan Opera Guild.

Building on the Guild’s arts learning initiatives at Brooklyn’s PS 10, which have played a major role in the school’s transformation into a high-performing neighborhood magnet, the COBALT project will give the Guild a chance to study closely the effects of its opera-based, curriculum-connected approach on student achievement in three under-performing public elementary schools in Brooklyn. Opera is inherently multi-disciplinary, combining music, movement, theater, and the visual arts; as such it is an ideal vehicle for comprehensive arts instruction. In the Guild’s model, students as young as kindergartners create their own operas, choosing the subject (drawn from classroom curriculum), writing lyrics, composing music, staging scenes, setting movement and dance sequences, and sometimes even designing and constructing sets or props.


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