Vladimir Ashkenazy Records Bach's 6 Partitas for the First Time

"Vladimir Ashkenazy is one of the great pianists of modern times, with a legacy of landmark solo and concerto recordings to challenge anybody's" – The Daily Telegraph

Vladimir Ashkenazy has been an exclusive recording artist with Decca since 1963, and in all his 200 albums as pianist or conductor he has never recorded Bach's monumental 6 Partitas (BWV 825-830). The "undisputed legend" (Time Out) brings a lifetime of musical discernment to these immense pieces, available from Decca on August 10, 2010.

Published under the general title of Clavier-Übung (Keyboard Practice), the 6 Partitas were immediately popular and quickly became core repertoire for all keyboard players. Each partita, or suite of dance movements, is unique in form and originality, and combines the engaging qualities of grace, playfulness and nobility.

These were the last set of suites for solo keyboard that Bach composed (though the first to be published) and are the most technically challenging. Brilliantly conceived with innumerable musical details to amuse and fascinate the most intellectual of listeners, these 6 partitas are also immensely charming and endlessly enjoyable to hear without focusing on the techniques being used by Bach.


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