WQXR Invites The Knights for Second Term as Ensemble-in-Residence Apr 3-4

Includes Found Sound Contest, Launched Today and Culminating in The Knights’ Performance of John Adams’s Christian Zeal and Activity

After successfully presenting The Knights as its inaugural ensemble-in-residence last fall, WQXR – the nation’s most-listened-to classical music station – is inviting them back for a second residency on April 3 and 4. This time, the heart of the residency is an exciting interactive experience with listeners.

On Wednesday, April 4, The Knights will perform a concert that will include John Adams’s Christian Zeal and Activity, using sounds submitted by listeners. Christian Zeal and Activity, the hymn-like central movement of Adams’s longer work American Standard (1973), instructs its conductor to incorporate within it “sonic found objects.” Fittingly, the Pulitzer Prize-winning composer’s own recording of the work featured a segment of a call-in radio show.

Beginning today, WQXR and The Knights invite listeners – whether educated composers, young garage band buffs, or amateurs – to submit audio samples to their Found Sound Project competition on Indaba Music, the online music creation site, by March 16. Additionally, Indaba will invite its community of more than 650,000 musicians to participate. The Knights selection panel – which includes WQXR Vice President Graham Parker and Knights musicians – will select one winning entry for inclusion in the work’s April 4 performance. If possible, an interview with the winner will accompany the concert broadcast. Further information can be found at www.wqxr.org/theknights.

The concert on April 4 will be performed at The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space at WQXR, the station’s intimate and acoustically superior live event space, and will be broadcast live on 105.9 FM and wqxr.org.


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