The People who helped make TwtrSymphony a reality

My sincere thanks to the following people.

TwtrSymphony The Hawk Goes HuntingFor coming up with the idea in the first place

Alexis Del Palazzo
Erica Sipes
Kim Hickey
Your several hour long tweet conversation on March 3rd, 2012 was the whole reason this project got started.

Musicians performing on "The Hawk Goes Hunting"

Alexis Del Palazzo - Flute/Piccolo
Nikki Warrington - Flute
Bobbi Blood - Flute
Macy McClain - Flute
Lish Lindsey - Flute/Alto Flute
Jonathan Hunt - Oboe
Ronnal Ford - Cor Anglais
Michael Ormond - Clarinet
Scott Harris - Clarinet
Garrett McQueen - Bassoon
Keri Degg - Soprano Saxophone
Greg Wrenn - Tenor Saxophone
Robert Perlick-Molinari - French Horn
Tracy Bass - French Horn
Aileen Douthwaite - French Horn
Laurel Roseborrough - French Horn
Jessica Mullen - Trumpet
Ettore Rivarola - Trumpet

Timothy Breckon - Trombone
Jeff Freeman - Trombone
Sean Greene - Tuba
Blaine Cunningham - Tuba
Shana Norton - Harp
Erica Sipes - Piano
Adam Shanley - Classical Guitar
Rusty Banks - Electric Guitar
Craig Stratton - Concert Master/Violin I
Susanne Hehenberger - Violin I/Violin II
Anna Rose - Violin I/Violin II
Bonnie Gartley - Violin II
Sarah Richardson - Viola
Elyssa Gilmar - Cello
Alison Wrenn - Cello
Janet Horvath - Cello
Natalie Spehar - Cello
Matt Erion - Double Bass
Alvaro Rosso - Double Bass

Other TwtrSymphony Musicians

Jodi Bortz
Janet Bordeaux
Joss Campbell
Kim Hickey

Andrea Myers
Carla Rees
Stephanie Unverricht
Rachael Forsyth
Cory Tiffin

Glenn James
Dave Hutchings
Steve Flory
Manoela Wunder

Musicians who helped along the way

Edwin Huizinga
Tonje Bekken
Edwin Østvik

Roberto Burton
Christian Chinchilla
Tammy Evans Yonce

Andy Lee
Peter Cigleris

Administration, Publicity and odd (and thank-less) jobs

Eddie Louise
Lisa Bartholow


Garry Boyle - Sound Engineer
Robert Perlick-Molinari - Sound Engineer
Sarah Richardson - Video Engineer

There are many more people who supported our efforts, offered suggestions and helped by re-tweeting, sharing and generally getting the word out. TwtrSymphony's success is due everyone's effort. If you feel there are other's who should be mentioned, add a comment --let the world know the part they played.

The project isn't done. We've just launched our first track (which you can listen to and download at, use promo code HawkGoesHunting), but this is just the first movement of four. We also have several chamber pieces in process. So, stay tuned. We have just begun the hunt!


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