It's the Right Time for TwtrSymphony

Recent breakdowns in negotiations between musicians and management in the orchestral world indicate a sea change: now is the right time for TwtrSymphony to fly

TwtrSymphony is a unique concept in the symphony orchestra -- the musicians come from around the world and don't actually play together in the same physical space. The music is made by each musician recording their own track with the various tracks put together in the studio. So, in many respects, we are a studio orchestra.

We also are 100% volunteer right now, but that is soon to change. TwtrSymphony is taking the steps to become a non-profit organization. Once the final paperwork has come through, we will be able to apply for funding. Eventually we will be able to pay the people who put in time and effort to make the music happen.

By the very nature of our music -- 140 seconds at a time -- TwtrSymphony isn't going to be a full time orchestra. There are no plans to pay our musicians enough they can quit their day jobs. However, in a world where musicians need to juggle multi-income streams just to make ends meet, we are a perfect add-on. Because musicians record their parts separately, there is no large impact to their current schedule to participate. TwtrSymphony musicians fit in practice and recording time in their off hours.

More importantly, we aim to be a source of new and interesting compositions. Offering musicians and audience alike a thrilling exposure to new music, and a mutual exploration of a living art form. Our methods of outreach stretch beyond the typical reach of audience development: we are connecting with fans who have never attended a 'new music' concert - fans who look to video games and films as their primary source of new classical music. As we expand our reach, including new composers and musicians, we continue to leverage social media as a method of connection for musicians who otherwise may have never met and as a way to reach a broader audience.

TwtrSymphony is just what the industry needs right now, an organization that not only provides a potentially new source of income for musicians, but reaches out via video and free music download to a whole new audience. We're rapidly gaining fans. The overwhelming response to our videos shows we are connecting with the fans as well.

Check out TwtrSymphony:

on Facebook
our website
and of course, on Twitter


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