Kronos Quartet calls for composers under 30 - any genre or country

Kronos Quartet Announces KRONOS: UNDER 30 PROJECT / #5

Commissioning program includes mentoring, residency, premiere, + recording

Deadline for applications is November 16, 2012

The Kronos Quartet/Kronos Performing Arts Association is pleased to announce the fifth edition of its Kronos: Under 30 Project, a comprehensive commissioning and mentoring program for young composers under the age of 30. Launched in 2003, the Under 30 Project is designed to help nurture the careers of emerging artists, while enabling Kronos to forge stronger connections with the next creative generation.

To date, four composers have received commissions through the Kronos: Under 30 Project. Nearly 1,000 applications, coming from 49 countries on six continents, have been personally reviewed by the quartet. From this year’s call for applications, Kronos will select the composer to whom they feel most artistically committed. That composer will be commissioned to write a new work for Kronos in close consultation with the ensemble. He or she will meet with Kronos, and prepare the piece during a residency with the group at their home base in San Francisco. The resulting work will premiere in Spring 2014 in San Francisco as part of Kronos’ 40th anniversary season, and will also be recorded.

Kronos: Under 30 Project is not a contest, and all composers who have not reached the age of 30 by the application deadline, November 16, 2012, are eligible to submit music for consideration, regardless of nationality. The selected composer must be able to complete the new work by December 2013. An application and guidelines can be downloaded here; questions about the program can be addressed to

During the past 10 years, four composers from three different countries – Alexandra du Bois and Dan Visconti (USA), Felipe Pérez Santiago (Mexico), and Aviya Kopelman (Israel) – have been commissioned. The artistic relationships established through the Under 30 Project have been invaluable, and these commissioned works have been championed by Kronos in major venues all over the world.

Applications should be sent to Kronos: Under 30 Project, 1032 Irving Street, #603, San Francisco, CA 94122-2200, U.S.A, and must be received by November 16. Note, this is not a postmark deadline.

David Harrington, Founder & Artistic Director of Kronos Quartet, says, "The Under 30 commission has been very important for Kronos. We’ve established new relationships, we’ve found 4 wonderfully creative young composers, and they’ve written marvelous pieces for us. For Under 30 #5, we hope to have some of the most creative composers from all over the world send us their music. It doesn’t have to be string quartet music – it could be a song, it could be a symphony, it could be a solo electric guitar piece – because the process we’ve used for these last 38 years has to been to ascertain the creativity embodied in someone’s work.”

Kronos: Under 30 Project / #5 is supported by Hancher at the University of Iowa, Syracuse University, the Board of Directors of the Kronos Performing Arts Association, individual backers of the Kronos: Under 30 Project / #5 Kickstarter campaign, and Kronos Performing Arts Association. Additional partners will be announced in March 2013.


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