#TwtrTpc Dynamics: What are ways TwtrSymphony can communicate dynamics to the musicians?

Following up on some of what was discussed yesterday:
What are some of the way TwtrSymphony can effectively communicate the different dynamic levels to the various musicians considering none of the musicians are in the same room?

Right now these are all issues resolved in the editing room. A number of musicians commented about the struggle to get the right dynamic levels for their recording not playing in the same room with the rest of the ensemble. So... how we do resolve this:

It has already been suggested we create principal chair positions, who play the first parts to provide a guide for the rest of the musicians. Are the other options? What does this mean for the principal players and how do we get them to have the same dynamic levels?

The conversation wasn't as active today, but still some good points to take away. We even had a comment from someone outside of TwtrSymphony — of course, those comments are welcome too.

  • More dynamic markings in the score
  • Use composite microphones to get a better recording (more on this tomorrow, I'm sure)
  • Remember to maintain energy in the performance

Here's a transcript of today's discussion:

Bonnie Gartley: #twtrtpc maybe if there could be more dynamic markings to give an idea of crescendo timing. Mostly hearing it helps for me

Jeff Freeman: I am thrilled w how many good ideas were tweeted about today on #TwtrTpc

Matt Erion: As I composite tracks, I adjust mic position to enhance dynamics. #TwtrTpc

Matt Erion: But as I lead my own bands I always remind that dynamics are relative and not equal from piece to piece. #TwtrTpc

PlayBrass: and from venue to venue #TwtrTpc

Jeff Freeman: #TwtrTpc I think that tweaks to our process could be improved, especially by section, but after that, we are at the mercy of the mix.

Jeff Freeman: #TwtrTpc At the end of the day, this is a recording project. What we do dynamically, stylistically, and musically should be as together as possible.

Jeff Freeman: #TwtrTpc Dynamics are still important so that the energy of the music is there. I may record a F, but will be mixed in at a lower volume, but my energy is at least being captured. All this is what makes the @twtrsymphony unique! So many logistics. Exciting!

Janet k Bordeaux: #TwtrTpc Dynamics.tough subject! Loud/soft, cres/decres-can be engineered (?) But inflection, emotion-much harder to sync sound


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