TwtrSymphony is Breaking the Paradigm

by Eddie Louise

TwtrSymphony is breaking the paradigm of Classical Music as the art form that just IS - an always present rarely acknowledged facet of the cultural landscape. The symphony as an institution has its place, but new music is not the focus in that reality. TwtrSymphony believes in the power of music to inspire, to excite and to move people. We believe that there is a hunger for new orchestral music. We believe in the magic that is created when musicians devote themselves to the expression of the ideas and emotions which inhabit the music of our time.

Social media is the perfect medium for the exploration of a new musical world. One where new music is embraced and celebrated. Where audiences are acknowledged and encouraged. Where dialogue between musicians, composers and audience create the sparks of new ideas and ignite new passions. In order to take advantage of the opportunities inherent in this landscape, we need to learn to share our passion, to share of ourselves.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence is a perfect example of the type of sharing I am talking about. She has a direct and open quality that communicates well. She speaks with passion of her process and reacts honestly to questions about her work. Videos of her interviews go viral because the audience is drawn in – committed to her, excited by her honesty. But also, these things go viral because the more they are shared, the more people will want to share them. This is the true power of social media. One person says something interesting, gets re-tweeted by two or three of their friends, who in turn are re-tweeted in a ever expanding circle of influence. TwtrSymphony believes classical music can achieve the same kind of viral reach as any other music form; we just need to share the passion we feel with those around us.

When we share our passion for what we are doing, when we speak honestly of the challenges, when we invite commentary and interaction from our audience, we are practicing a form of inclusion that could only happen via social media and the unique process of our orchestra. By letting our beliefs, our passions and even our frustrations become part of the conversation we are enacting the human soul of the orchestra. We are breaking free of the institution. We are envisioning new music in a new way for a new audience.


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