Year in Review

This year has been very successful in terms of this blog. I've read a great deal from the internet, the library and beyond, listened to numerous artists I didn't know existed and revisited a number of works I previously enjoyed rekindling my enthusiasm for them and posted about much of what I've learned along the way. News (86) and Opera (71) are my biggest topics, but since a lot of what I was writing about was news of the day, I'm not surprised that one tops the list. Opera is very near and dear to me, so again, not a surprise it came in at number two. Reviews (67) are kinda like news. Composition (65) came in number fourth; again no surprise as I am a composer, so of course composition would be a topic I return to often. Perhaps the biggest surprise for me is the 7000+ readers so far this year, 1000+ of those in December. I'm averaging over 50 readers a day, with numerous days seeing over 100 visitors to the site - most of those from the US (also a good ...