BSO OrchKids Host “El Sistema in the United States,” May 7

Concert features students from several El Sistema-based programs

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s OrchKids will collaborate with students from Virginia Symphony’s “Soundscapes,” Philadelphia Youth Orchestra’s “Tune Up Philly,” and The People’s Music School’s “YOURS” for a day of music making and celebration of the El Sistema movement in the United States on Saturday, May 7 at Lockerman Bundy Elmentary School (LBES). The day-long event culminates in a concert that is open to the public at 5 p.m. at LBES. Tune Up Philly, Y.O.U.R.S., Soundscapes, and OrchKids are four of the nation’s most innovative and successful El Sistema-inspired programs in the United States. This event will be the first of its kind in the nation.


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