Third Season of MUSIC/WORDS series, exploring connections between poetry and music, continues on APRIL 29th, 2011

Music/Words, an interdisciplinary series founded and curated by NYC-based pianist Inna Faliks, continues its third season on Friday, April 29, at 6pm with a performance at New York’s Cornelia Street Café featuring Faliks at the piano along with violinist Sharan Leventhal and readings by Susan Miller and LB Thompson, poets. The varied program will include Schubert’s Sonata in a minor opus 143, Concert Piece (1959) by Seymour Shifrin (1926-1979), and Ravel’s Sonata for violin and piano. The Cornelia Street Café ( is located at 29 Cornelia Street, Greenwich Village, NYC. Tickets are $20 and are available by calling 212-989-9319


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