How to Listen to Classical Music - a course

New York Times’ Daniel J. Wakin Teaches New Online Course

For those who want to discover classical music or who enjoy it but aren’t sure why, The New York Times presents “How to Listen to Classical Music,” a delightful three-week course designed to help students recognize elements unique to classical music and identify favorite musicians and composers. Not a music theory course, not a music history course, this is a joyful listening tour led by The New York Times’ classical music reporter Daniel J. Wakin.

The course will include a “symphony” of topics, including:

  • An overview of the orchestra repertory and other types of music
  • The individual instruments and sections of an orchestra
  • The role of the conductor (with a guest conductor in live class session)
  • Concert traditions and how to get the most pleasure from a concert
  • Wakin’s “moments of bliss” in classical music

“How to Listen to Classical Music” will run from February 23 to March 15, 2011. To register for this new online course or for more information, click here.

This Program of Study course is part of the New York Times Knowledge Network, which is open to consumers nationwide. Programs of Study courses, developed and taught by New York Times journalists or professional staff, cover a variety of topics and are delivered online. Students can select any number of these courses: to stand alone, or be taken as a sequence.


Anonymous said…
I am sure it will develop a taste for classical music.
Who are all looking to explore in different types of classical music they will definitely take time to experience....

Listen To Music Online

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