Keith Lockhart Invites Boston Community to Join in World Record Breaking Attempt, December 4th

Boston Pops Conductor Keith Lockhart and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus invite members of the public to join them for what promises to be a very special event: a Holiday sing-along in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest group of carolers gathered in the same place at the same time—Saturday, December 4, at noon, outside on the Boylston Plaza at the Prudential Center. The current record for the largest group of carolers is held by Bob Jones University in South Carolina, where a group of 7,514 participants sang carols on December 3, 2004. In order to beat the record, more than 7,514 carolers must sing continuously for 15 minutes. This special Guinness World Record event kicks off a weekend-long Prudential Center celebration, December 4 and 5, of the Holiday Pops season at Symphony Hall, December 8-26. Details about the season are available at

Prior to the world record attempt with Keith Lockhart and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, the Berklee Musical Theater Club will perform to entertain those gathering for the noontime event. WROR Radio’s Loren Owens and Hank Morse from the Loren and Wally Show will host the festivities.

For every caroler participating in this event, the Boston Pops will contribute $1 towards providing Holiday Pops tickets for children from underserved communities. Towne Stove & Spirits will provide free hot chocolate for the carolers.

The Pops will continue celebrating the season all weekend long at the Prudential, with special performances by the Boston Cello Quartet (made up of members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra), the Beacon Brass Quintet, Boston Pops Gospel Choir, musicians from Project STEP, and BSO principal tubist Mike Roylance, as well as other special performances and events. The Shops at Prudential Center is owned and operated by Boston Properties. It is New England’s top shopping and dining destination with 75 world-class retailers, 27 dining options, 3000+ parking spaces, and four top Boston attractions all under one roof. The Shops at Prudential Center is home to the Boston area’s only Saks 5th Avenue and Vineyard Vines, the recently opened White House Black Market, and over 100 events every year.


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