Happy Holidays... May your life be filled with music

It's that time of year when the stores are decorated with holiday cheer and everyone is spending more time shopping than they are with their loved ones - all in some attempt to share a bit of joy in the world. If we don't spend enough money the merchants will complain it was a lean Christmas and the economy is stagnant. If we spend too much money, people get in trouble with their creditors in January and the news reports the economy is over extended.

However, as the shoppers are out malls and shops pipe in Christmas tunes, smiles glow as crowds listen to local choirs singing carols or spare change fill the Salvation Army buckets as bell ringers all over the city toll for the less fortunate. Everywhere you go there is music, sounds of the season. At no other time is there more music piped into our worlds, filling the air.

Take a moment (even a short one) and relish the sound of music. Understand the music you hear is a form of celebration and join in that celebration. Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim or your heart follows some other concept, celebrate a world filled with music.

People say we should try and celebrate Christmas all year long, to share the sense of peace every day. I believe we could achieve a great sense of joy, a world filled with peace if we would just spend a bit more time listening to music, really listening to music. It changes the way we think, the way we feel.

So, this year, share the gift of music. Give those you love something to listen to other than the news. Make a New Years Resolution to listen to more music yourself. This isn't a plea for you to spend more money, or purchase the latest release of one artist or another (although there is a lot of great new music to choose from). This is just a call for everyone to listen to more music (myself included).

May Music Fill Your Life


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