Scottish Chamber Orchestra announces new concerts for parents and babies

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra is launching a pilot series of concerts – Big Ears, Little Ears – for parents and young babies across central Scotland this September, providing mums, dads and carers with the chance to share the experience of high quality live music with their infants in an informal atmosphere.

The concerts will be of a baby-friendly, 45 minute duration, starting at 11am, and take place in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling between 27 – 29 September. The programme of music – performed live by the Orchestra – includes well-known classics by Mendelssohn, Prokofiev and Beethoven as well as traditional Scottish folksongs and lullabies performed by popular Scottish mezzo soprano Karen Cargill. Tickets cost £6 for a parent with a child aged 18 months or younger.

In launching this series, the SCO aims to provide an affordable and accessible shared experience for parents and babies where they can enjoy a performance by an internationally renowned orchestra.

Louise Martin, SCO Connect Projects Manager, said “We wanted to offer something really exciting and unique for new parents, a group who too often find that events they might previously have enjoyed or tried out aren’t open to them when they have a young baby in tow. This will be a proper grown-up treat, a stunning professional performance of inspirational orchestral music; but one at which their baby – complete with the usual baby crying, burps and gurgles – will be welcomed just as warmly. No-one will have to worry about being ‘the one with the baby’ because all the audience will be in the same boat.”


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