Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Appoints The Honorable James T. Smith and Liddy Manson to its Board of Directors

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) announces two new appointments to its board of directors: The Honorable James T. Smith, Jr., former County Executive of Baltimore County, and Ms. Liddy Manson, President of Virginia-based technology company BeClose. Mr. Smith and Ms. Manson bring to the board diverse areas of experience and fresh business strategies that will contribute to the BSO’s cultural and financial successes as one of Maryland’s leading arts organizations.

About The Honorable James T. Smith, Jr.
James T. Smith, Jr. brings to the board more than 30 years of experience in the political arena and has held numerous seats on the boards of Baltimore’s committees for the betterment of the city. Mr. Smith recently ended his tenure as the County Executive of Baltimore County, a position he held from 2002-2010. Up until his appointment to the County Executive, he was an Associate Judge in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County since 1985. He spent two four-year terms on the Baltimore City Council (1978-1982 and 1982-1985), during which he supported programs for the Gifted and Talented in Baltimore City Schools as well as the enhancement of Special Education programs. Since 2002, Mr. Smith has been a member of the Board of Directors for the Maryland Historical Society, the Walters Art Museum and the Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore.

About Liddy Manson
Liddy Manson is President of BeClose, an innovative technology company that provides home monitoring systems for people who are aging in place. Ms. Manson is a seasoned technology and interactive media executive with 20 years of experience working with premier technology and information brands. Before joining BeClose, she served as CEO of DigitalSports, a web service providing detailed information and coverage of high school sports throughout the country. Prior to DigitalSports, she served as the Chief Operating Officer of Freewebs Inc., a venture backed Internet company focused on user-generated content and social publishing. Previously, Ms. Manson spent nine years at Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive, the online subsidiary of The Washington Post Company and three years at The Discovery Channel. Ms. Mason has also earned a bachelor of music and remains an avid amateur musician.


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