The Cleveland Orchestra Announces 2011-12 Season

Franz Welser-Möst will begin his tenth season as Music Director

The Cleveland Orchestra has announced its 2011-12 season with Music Director Franz Welser-Möst. Highlights of Franz Welser-Möst’s tenth season with the Orchestra include opera-in-concert performances of Strauss’s Salome at Severance Hall and Carnegie Hall and a three-week festival featuring Brahms masterworks: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 and the Violin Concerto. Returning conductors and artists who appear regularly with the Orchestra will include Pierre Boulez, Mitsuko Uchida, and Artist-in-Residence Ton Koopman. Sean Shepherd, the Daniel R. Lewis Young Composer Fellow, begins his two-year tenure in the 2011-12 season.

Since becoming Music Director in 2002, Franz Welser-Möst has expanded the programming of The Cleveland Orchestra to include staged opera, led performances of Bruckner symphonies in the United States , Europe, and Asia , welcomed new audiences with Fridays@7, and returned the Orchestra to perform at public high schools, while raising the Orchestra’s standard of artistic excellence. He has established Cleveland Orchestra residencies in Miami , Lucerne , and Vienna , and will lead the Orchestra in a new residency at the Lincoln Center Festival this summer, in the first of three biennial appearances.

Mr. Welser-Möst’s recording legacy with the Orchestra includes four highly acclaimed Bruckner symphony DVDs and a Grammy Award-winning disc of music by Wagner. This season, Mr. Welser-Möst will lead The Cleveland Orchestra on their eleventh international tour together. Twenty-seven musicians on the roster for 2011-12, including Principal Cello, Principal Oboe, Principal Trombone, Principal Tuba, Principal Harp, and Principal Percussion, have been appointed during his tenure. Franz Welser-Möst is committed to The Cleveland Orchestra up to its centennial in 2018.

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