Colorado Symphony Presents Free Children's Concerts

Four upcoming Petite Musique concerts presented free-of-charge; feature 16-piece chamber orchestra

This October, the Colorado Symphony will delight young children, families and teachers at four free children's concerts featuring a 16-piece chamber orchestra composed of all-Symphony musicians. A highlight of the Symphony's Petite Musique youth education series, the concerts are designed for children in preschool through grade two. Registration is now open for the concerts at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 4 in Daniels Hall at Swallow Hill and on Monday, October 10 in Su Teatro at the Denver Civic Theatre. Advance registration for Petite Musique concerts is required. Parents and teachers can download registration forms at These two free concerts are made possible through a generous grant from the Office of Arts & Venues – City and County of Denver.

The Colorado Symphony community-based Petite Musique series introduces the instruments of the orchestra to young children. Performed by a chamber orchestra and narrator, this interactive program includes the musical telling of the classic tale Peter Rabbit and His Adventure in Mr. McGregor’s Garden, plus opportunities to sing along and dance along to the music. Regular series Petite Musique concerts are customarily offered at the reduced rate of $7.00 per adult and $5.00 per child.

To learn more about Colorado Symphony youth education and community engagement programs, visit


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