Getting Heard: Finding a NEW Audience

There are 100 million people on Twitter but many are just lurking

A recent article by Dick Costolo in Fortune magazine (linked above) talks about the vast number of people on twitter who are just lurking, listening in, but not actually tweeting. He also mentions topics that create a lot of chatter on Twitter and about promoted tweets. But ultimately, what this points out is how ineffective tweeting a marketing message can be.

Promoted Tweets ONLY go to people who already follow the business, so if you're buying promoted tweets, your preaching to the choir. If your tweets are just marketing-spiel and not being copied or re-tweeted by your fans (followers), again, you're just preaching to the choir. The only way to get beyond the people who already know and love you, is to engage in conversation OUTSIDE your current sphere of influence.


    If your an orchestra and you're bringing in Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (they're a popular item this year), are you going out to find the followers for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (#BBVD)?

    They have 17k followers who are obviously interested in what BBVD are doing. Take a look at what these people are talking about, beyond BBVD and you'll find a 2nd connection of interest. It's this 2nd connection of interest that can get your organization the topic of conversation by potential audience members.

Go out and find that new audience. There are more followers then you might imaging. Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber have over 12Million followers so it's possible!


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