Pulitzer Foundation For The Arts and Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra Announce 2009-2010 Chamber Music Series

This unique series of chamber concerts is a collaboration between two of St. Louis ’ most vital arts organizations: the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts and the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra. For the series, SLSO Music Director David Robertson selects works that relate to various the mes to be found in the Pulitzer exhibitions, thus inviting a stimulating dialogue between music, visual art, and architecture. In 2009-2010, the September 30 concert will be performed in conjunction with Ideal [Dis-Placements: Old Masters at the Pulitzer, with contemporary music that creates echoes of “old masters” composers.

All other concerts this season will be presented in conjunction with Urban Alchemy/Gordon Matta-Clark, which will be on exhibit at the Pulitzer from October 30, 2009 through June 5, 2010. Trained as an architect, Matta-Clark used neglected structures slated for demolition as his raw material, providing new ways of perceiving space, and creating metaphors for the human condition. Robertson has selected compositions by an intriguing array of 20th- and 21st- century composers, including György Kurtág, Steve Reich, John Cage, and Karlheinz Stockhausen, whose works create the ir own sense of space, of abandonment, and of restoration. Musicians of the SLSO perform all works.

WEDNESDAYS AT 7:30PM (doors open at 7pm)
SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 (in conjunction with Old Masters exhibition)
ELLIOTT CARTER Three Tributes (2007-08) US Premiere
SALVATORE SCIARRINO Perduto in una città d'acque (1991)
      Nicolas Hodges, piano
JONATHAN HARVEY Death of Light / Light of Death (1998)
      Philip Ross , oboe
      Carolyn Banham, English horn
      Megan Stout, harp and tam-tam
      Erin Schreiber , violin
      Weijing Wang , viola
      Bjorn Ranheim , cello

NOVEMBER 18, 2009
GYÖRGY KURTÁG Wind Quintet, op. 2
BARTÓK Sonata for solo violin
LIGETI Ten Pieces for Wind Quintet
JANUARY 27, 2010
David Robertson conducting
KAGEL …, den 24.xii.1931

MARCH 10, 2010
STEVE REICH Violin Phase
CAGE Litany for the Whale

APRIL 28, 2010

WHERE: Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, 3716 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO ; www.pulitzerarts.org

TICKETS: $75 for five-concert series; $20 for single concert

Tickets may be purchased online at www.slso.org, or by phone at 314-534-1700 or in person at the Powell Hall Box Office, 718 N. Grand Blvd. Day-of-show tickets may be purchased at the Pulitzer.


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