Ads on the Blog and their affect on my thought process

Every so often I stop by my blog to check on how things look, mostly after posting an article or publishing a comment.  On the side bar of the blog posts are tidbits of information and advertisements.  No, these don't really pay me anything, much more than the occasional dinner out (about once or twice a year), but I keep ads there because they're focused on music (or suppose to be).  So, if once in a while one of my readers sees something they like, then the blog has done it's job and brought you information you didn't have.  

Today the ad I saw was for San Francisco Symphony "Holidays with the Symphony." It made me smile.  I'm a sucker for the holidays, to the point my wife & I watched an older holiday film last night just for something different.  It wasn't a great film, but it certainly put me in the mood to start thinking about Christmas.

Is this too early?  Well, not if I want to get Christmas presents to distant people in a timely manner.  It's also not too early to think about getting those holiday concert tickets.  My experience has been these concerts tend to sell out and do so fairly early.

So, while I don't normally pay much attention to the advertisements, this one today seemed pertinent. For nothing else, it got me thinking about the holidays and what I need to do to get ready.


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