This week's Top Ticket in Denver: Too Hot To Handel

Join Colorado Symphony December 16-17 for Marin Alsop conducting the ever popular Too Hot to Handel

This R&B, jazz, and gospel reworking of Handel’s “Messiah” has audiences rocking in the aisles. Join Marin Alsop, the Colorado Symphony, the Colorado Symphony Chorus and special guest vocalists for the 14th annual jazzy retelling of Handel’s great classic.

Too Hot To Handel
FRI 12/16 - 7:30 p.m.
SAT 12/17 - 7:30 p.m.
Boettcher Concert Hall

Marin Alsop, conductor laureate
Colorado Symphony Chorus
Mary Louise Burke, associate director

Cynthia Renee Saffron, soprano
Vaneese Thomas,
Lawrence Clayton, tenor
Clifford Carter, piano
Dana Landry, organ
Clint de Ganon, drums


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