Cantilenas - or Lyrical Melodies for Orchestra, my latest work

It's been a hectic 8 or 9 weeks this quarter in Graduate studies, but I still find time to compose. The last couple of weeks I've finally gotten around to putting this little piece together and it turned out all right (even thought the link below is a midi realization, hopefully you can get an idea as to what it might sound like).

The idea has been mulling around in my head since last November when I had the chance to work with a fellow student and excellent horn player. I wanted to write something that wasn't a horn concerto and still allow the horn to have some moments, but as a solo instrument and as a section.

In the end, all the brass gets a good workout (even the trombones which should make my father happy). It probably still needs a little fine tuning to really be ready for prime time, but it needs to settle for a bit before I continue to muck with it.

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