Discover Opera Live: Rigoletto

The Royal Opera Liège proudly presents a new masterpiece in the OperaLive series: Rigoletto. This story of love, seduction and betrayal has been brought to life not only by the live online broadcast but also by the specially designed artwork. This handcrafted artwork is a unique piece and translates the opera we all know and love into a stunning visual. Let us sweep you of your feet by the music, story details and charachter description in this interactive storytelling experience, which you can discover here:

For centuries opera has touched the melodramatic hearts of thousands of enthusiasts. Opera Live aims to make opera accessible to all audiences through the means of live streaming via the internet. This project will allow people all around the world to discover some of the finest operas composed. Opera Live is where the old embraces the new.

Rigoletto will be broadcasted live on March 23rd, 2010 at 8:00pm (GMT + 1) and available on demand on Opera Live until a month after the live broadcast. This famous opera was composed by Giuseppe Verdi and features the well-known canzone ‘La donna è mobile’. This story of love, seduction and betrayal has been brought to life not only by the live online broadcast but also by the specially designed artwork, commissioned by the Royal Opera of Liège.

Tickets are available either as single viewing or multiple viewings with access to additional information. Enjoy the opera peacefully by yourself at your home and own convenience or invite your friends and turn it into a pleasant evening.

Buying a ticket allows you to experience opera(s) through OperaLive*, and gives you access to a complete information package containing artist biographies, notions about the composer and the composition, the libretto, a discography selection and a poster in pfd format.

Tickets available online.


Unknown said…
you might be happy to know that now operalive is free.

we also made another trailer to discover the new stories

hope you like it too

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