Call for Scores: Juventas New Music Ensemble due July 15th

Juventas New Music Ensemble announces its 2011-2012 Season Semi-Annual Call
for Scores. Compositions selected from this call will go into Juventas's
repertoire for programing in the 2011-2012 season and beyond.

Juventas is seeking chamber works by young, living composers for any
instrumentation or length, however preference will be given to works that
draw on the Juventas core instrumentation: flute (including piccolo and/or
alto flute), clarinet (including Eb, Bb, and bass clarinet), violin, viola,
cello, and piano. Additionally, all composers must be age 35 or under as of
Janurary 1st of the present year to be eligible for consideration.

The application deadline is July 15, 2011.

Details and application instructions are available at


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