Why Symphony Tweets aren't getting the responses they should

Every major orchestra uses twitter now. Sometimes they post marketing blurbs, or links to marketing blurbs. Sometimes they pay for other people to put their tweets into various hash (#) groups to get broader focused attention. But mostly they are thinking the wrong way about tweets.

There is a wonderful article on The Secret to Using Twitter by Jason Seiden. He talks about what twitter really is - rather than linear thought as in a discussion, it's more an inner dialog.

Mostly the article talks about how people tweet and therefore how to glean information about them by their tweets --reading their minds, so to speak.

However, look at it inversely, how are my tweets coming across? What are people engaging in on Twitter and how? You'll find people are engaging in short "conversations" or status updates that require additional information to be a complete thought.

So, rather than tweeting,

    "X_Symphony is performing Dvorak's 9th Symphony, New World tonight http://bit.ly/1.2.2"
    Start with a tweet "It will be a New world tonight at 7pm #X_Symphony"
    Then later tweet "Are you Dressing to the nights for Dvorak tonight #X_Symphony?"
    Finally tweet the url "If you've been listening #X_Symphony http://bit.ly/1.2.2"

What this creates is a thread, a stream where it peaks interest, alludes to something, but not everything. It would be even better if the symphony had someone within the organization, but not the main organization twitter account, write the first message "It will be a New world tonight at 7pm @X_Symphony". Then the organization's twitter can reply with the second twitter "Are you Dressing to the nights for Dvorak tonight @employee?" This dialog is better than using the hash tag because it feels more familiar to your audience, as if they're listening into a conversation.

This sort of twitter tactic needs planning to execute well. But, the personal touch will lend itself to more followers commenting and attempting to join in the conversation. When you have people talking about you (not just you talking at them) you get more engagement, and that's what you want.


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