Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Appoints Three New Staff Members

Vice President of Artistic Operations Matthew Spivey
Vice President, BSO at Strathmore Deborah Broder
OrchKids Director of Fundraising and Administration Cheryl Goodman

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) today announced three senior-level appointments: Matthew Spivey, vice president of artistic operations; Deborah Broder, vice president, BSO at Strathmore; Cheryl Goodman, OrchKids director of fundraising and administration.

Matthew Spivey, Vice President of Artistic Operations
Effective September 20th, Matthew Spivey will assume the role of vice president of artistic operations. In this capacity, Mr. Spivey will manage all aspects of artistic planning and execution for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in close collaboration with Music Director Marin Alsop, President & CEO Paul Meecham and other senior staff, as well as with the BSO musicians’ Artistic Advisory Committee. As a key creative partner in the ongoing development of the BSO’s artistic profile, Mr. Spivey is responsible for developing the classical and pops subscription seasons in Baltimore and at The Music Center at Strathmore, the summer season, run-out concerts, tours and special events including the Opening Night Gala, Donor Appreciation concerts, the annual Martin Luther King Day celebration and presentations. He will also oversee the orchestra personnel and operations departments, working closely with staff to develop, implement, and achieve the long-term goals and objectives of the BSO.

An accomplished clarinetist, Mr. Spivey has for the last 5 years served as vice president of artistic administration for Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra (FWSO), where he developed programs for FWSO presentations, engaged guest artists, developed educational initiatives and programming and oversaw special artistic initiatives, including several commissions and recording projects. Before that, he worked for the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Deborah Broder, Vice President, BSO at Strathmore
After an extensive search, the BSO has appointed Deborah Broder as vice president, BSO at Strathmore, beginning October 11th. In this position, Ms. Broder fills the highly visible role as the senior Baltimore Symphony Orchestra representative at the Orchestra’s second home, The Music Center at Strathmore. Working closely with Board leadership, President & CEO Paul Meecham and other designated staff, Ms. Broder is charged with building on the BSO’s first 5 years of success as a Founding Partner at The Music Center at Strathmore. She will develop a strategy for continued growth and presence within the community, and organize and implement a fundraising plan to support the BSO’s expanded operations at The Music Center at Strathmore.

Ms. Broder brings more than 25 years of experience in arts management. In her most recent post as director for the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville (Jacksonville, Fl.), Ms. Broder managed the restructuring of the Museum’s exhibition strategy, resulting in a 30% increase in museum admissions. She has also served as director of development with The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens (Jacksonville, Fl.) and president of her advertising firm, Broder Advertising (Baltimore, Md. and Jacksonville, Fl.).

Cheryl Goodman, OrchKids Director of Fundraising and Administration
Cheryl Goodman joined the BSO on August 30, 2010 as the OrchKids Director of Fundraising and Administration. In this role, Ms. Goodman is responsible for overseeing fundraising, financial reporting and program staff for the BSO’s innovative after-school music education program, OrchKids. As a spokesperson for OrchKids, she will represent the BSO to school administrators, parents, donors and members of the community regarding OrchKids’ dynamic role in West Baltimore and as a vital component of the BSO’s education mission.

Ms. Goodman has extensive arts experience in the Baltimore area where she has for many years focused on arts and community outreach efforts and on bringing the arts to non-traditional audiences through dance, theater and music programs. Through her fundraising and arts administration roles with her own consulting firm and in previous positions, she has been affiliated with many arts organizations including The Hippodrome Foundation, the Eubie Blake Cultural Center, Theatre Project, WEAA-FM and the Maryland States Arts Council as a statewide workshop leader in the areas of event planning, fundraising, community outreach and PR and marketing.


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