CoLABoratory: Playing It UNsafe Call For Submissions

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012, 5 PM

ACO announces CoLABoratory: Playing it UNsafe, a research and development laboratory for the creation, development, workshopping, and performance of experimental new music by American composers. The goal of the program is to encourage composers to experiment and stretch their own musical sensibilities by developing new works (or works-in-progress) that expand the range of possibilities for orchestral music. The program will include an extended series of rehearsals and public workshop/readings over a six-month period during the 2012-13 season, culminating in a performance in Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall on Friday, April 5, 2013, conducted by ACO music director George Manahan. ACOs artistic staff members Robert Beaser and Derek Bermel, as well as Morton Subotnick, serve as mentor-composers.

For more information, submission guidelines and form click here.
