The Colorado Symphony Ball puts the Spotlight on the Orchestra for an evening of music and dance

For the first time in its history, this year’s Symphony Ball will feature the sounds of The Colorado Symphony for both listening pleasure and dancing. The ball, held this year on Saturday, April 28, 2012, will take place at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel and begins at 6:00 PM.

The orchestra will be front and center performing music to please ball attendees of all ages from warm pre-dinner background music to a high-energy full orchestra performance to top dance hits spanning decades. “Spotlighting our orchestra at this year’s ball couldn’t be more appropriate considering our newly adopted focus to engage and connect more in our community,” says Colorado Symphony board co-chair, Mary Rossick Kern. “It will be fun and exciting for ball patrons to be up close and personal with members of the orchestra throughout the evening.”

Symphony Ball 2012 is chaired by Colorado Symphony Association trustee and CBS4 general manager, Walt DeHaven, and his wife and president of Aiello Public Relations & Marketing, Wendy Aiello. Ed Greene, CBS4 weather and news anchor, will be the evening’s emcee. The night will begin with a silent auction and cocktails followed by dinner, live auction and entertainment by the Colorado Symphony with dancing to follow.

For more information about Symphony Ball 2012 tickets, table and corporate sponsorship, contact Melissa Muscato at (303) 308-2495.
